7 Things You Can Do Today to Plan for Thanksgiving

ThanksgivingHalloween is next week and that means you can start your holiday planning right now! If you don’t want to run around frazzled, trying to get things done at the last minute, that is, but some of us do work better under pressure. For those of us who like to take it easy, here are 7 things you can do today to plan for Thanksgiving dinner.

Decor You don’t have to put your Thanksgiving decor up as soon as the Halloween decor comes down, but at least have it planned. Make sure you have your gourds, candles, leaves, and wreaths together so you can make your home warm and festive long before the guests arrive.

Guest List Send out any invites to people you want at your dinner. They may bring companions or family members — try to get a rough estimate of how many people you will be entertaining so you can accommodate everyone and then some.Thanksgiving

Seating Arrangements Think about how many guests you are expecting and how many places at the table you can accommodate. If there are more people than seats, you can start planning on the extra seating now rather than Tuesday before the big dinner.

Sleeping Arrangements 
If you have guests coming from out of town, now is the time to plan where they will sleep. Think about whether you have enough bed linens for the adults and sleeping bags for the children. If there’s not enough space, now is a good time to book hotel rooms to make sure your guests are comfortable.

Menu Make your list of items to serve for the big dinner along with all the ingredients. Keep this list so you can buy items little by little and tick them off as you go. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, you won’t have to make a big trip for food when everyone else is doing it.

Special Requests Now is the time to get any special requests for your dinner. Whether guests have dietary restrictions or they can’t live without one particular dish, knowing what you need to do to adjust your menu now makes planning much easier than if you get the request a week or a day before the holiday.thanksgiving-decor

Kitchen Tools Not everyone has a fully equipped kitchen for big holidays. There’s always something a dish needs that you may not have. Go through all your recipes and make sure you have all the gadgets and platters you need to pull of the perfect Thanksgiving; the stores will be packed with procrastinators looking for the same things you need the week of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays here at LTD Commodities! We have ideas and products to make this Thanksgiving your best Thanksgiving.  

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