Walk to Work Day: 5 Benefits of Walking


Image credit: yesbuts.wordpress.com

It’s National Walk to Work Day. We know that even a little bit of exercise can benefit your health but it does a body good in ways you’ve never heard ? even if walking doesn?t make you sweat or make you feel like you got a great workout in. Here are 5 benefits from adding a few extra steps to your day that you didn’t know about.

Long Life

In a study published in the Public Library of Science the faster you walk, the better your chances are at having a long life. Researchers followed the walking and lifestyle habits of more than 38,000 people over nine years. By increasing your pace one minute per mile, they found it gives you a better chance at longer life and overall health. In short, pick up the pace.

Brain Power

A study done at the University of Pittsburgh shows men and women over sixty can slow down brain shrinkage by talking regular walks. Scientists suggest the mental decline we often think of as inevitable can be reduced with starting an exercise routine ? even late in life.


Image credit: thebestyoumagazine.co

Weight Loss Walking

It doesn?t seem like much, but according to Iowa State University, by walking just 20 minutes a day, you can burn up to seven pounds of fat per year. That doesn?t mean you can eat what you want, walk 20 minutes and get rid of that spare tire, but if you watch what you eat and incorporate that walk, you can lose those unwanted inches.

Energy in, Energy Out

The more you walk, the more energy you have. In a study out of the University of Georgia, researchers found people who aren?t very active improved their energy by 20% and decreased fatigue by 65% by walking. Walking also increases circulation so that all of your organs get the blood and oxygen it needs for normal function. You might not want to walk now, but if you take that walk, you might feel like taking another one.

Merry March

Walking can actually make you happy. The Harvard Medical School did a review of studies showing regular exercise can ease depression in people with moderate symptoms. They also believe walking could be effective in treating people with severe depression. The only catch is that you have to walk more than 35 minutes five days a week for good results. 35 minutes isn?t such a big commitment if it means being happy.


Image credit: mindbodyandsoul.ca

With the weather warming up, you can make every day Walk to Work Day. Be happy, live longer. Walk to work.