Celebrities with Different Colored Eyes

Different colored eyes is a condition called heterochromia iridum and, according to the National Institutes of Health, it affects fewer than 200,000 people in the United States. Among those 200,000 people are some you may know – from a distance, anyway. Here are 7 celebrities with different colored eyes:


Mark Nassal via Flickr

Dan Aykroyd You may know him as Elwood Blues, and even though Dan Aykroyd is known as a Blues Brother, there’s nothing blue about either of his eyes. The difference is so subtle you might not notice, but Aykroyd has one brown eye and one green eye.

Elizabeth Berkley As studious Jessie Spano on Saved By The Bell, Elizabeth Berkley’s head may have been buried in the books too much to notice the color of her eyes. She has two different colors in one of her eyes – one half is brown, the other half is green and the other eye is green.


Startinghere71 via Flickr

Kate Bostworth With all the action thrown at Superman’s girlfriend in Superman Returns, you may have been too distracted to notice Lois Lane’s eyes. The actress who played Lane, Kate Bosworth, has one brown eye and one blue eye. Perhaps that was the Man of Steel’s Kryptonite.

Jane Seymour From Bond Girl to Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman to Cougar in Wedding Crashers, it wasn’t Jane Seymour’s eyes that landed her some of her best roles on screen. In addition to the actress and model’s long, flowing hair and sultry voice she has one green eye and one blue eye.

Christopher Walken Another Bond and Wedding Crashers alum also has two different colored eyes. Christopher Walken has one blue and one hazel eye. The difference is about as extreme as his ability to stretch from drama to slapstick comedy.


Dan Correla via Flickr

Kiefer Sutherland A little known fact about the 24 star is he has one green eye and one blue eye. Another little known fact about Kiefer Sutherland, according to IMDB, is he was active in the rodeo circuit in his early 30s. Sutherland is chock full of interesting dichotomies.


Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Mila Kunis It’s hard not to notice Mila Kunis these days with all of the attention she’s getting for her upcoming wedding to Ashton Kutcher, the birth of their child and quitting acting to start a home. But what with all the buzz, the one thing you might not notice is her different colored eyes – one green and one brown.

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