Valentine’s Day: Are You Ready?

i love you moreWe?re less than a month away from the most romantic holiday of the year, so here?s the question: are you ready? If you really want to make your significant other happy, it?s a good idea to show a little forethought for this day, which is why we?ve compiled a short checklist to help you along. With 3 weeks to go, these are the things you should be taking care of right now


Some say the gift is the most important part, while others think it?s just an added bonus if you get it right. Either way, there?s no point in dropping a few hundred dollars if the recipient isn?t going to like or use your gift. Make sure you?re paying attention to something they might want. It?s early enough that she probably won?t get suspicious if you snoop through her clothes or check ring sizes around now, so find out what you need to know as stealthily as you can.

Dinner and Reservations

Whether you?re planning to hit the hottest restaurant in town, or you?d like to prepare a nice dinner for two at home, special meals take some sort of preparation. Now is the time to call potential restaurants and find out what kind of menu they?ll have for Valentine?s Day, and see if they have slots available for the time you?d like to eat. If you?re thinking of planning a nice meal in, you should start looking up recipes, or checking local delivery menus. If you?re cooking at home, think about testing out the recipe around now to see how hard or easy it really is, and to make sure you have all the kitchen accessories you need to create the meal.


Transportation is often overlooked, but is an essential part of creating a successful evening. Are you thinking about wine pairings at the restaurant, or grabbing a cocktail before dinner at home? Will you have far to travel or should you plan to walk? But if you want to walk, will that change your outfit or your wife?s high heels? Make sure you have a back up plan in the form of a designated driver or a cab driver on call. It?s always better to be prepared, than to find yourself a few martinis deep without a cab on the way.


Finally, if you?ve got kids, now is the time to book your babysitter! Whether you?re asking your younger brother to sleep over with the kids, or you need to hire another sitter for the night, it?s important to lock that in before it gets close to the big day! When it comes to major holidays like New Year?s Eve and Valentine?s Day, babysitters are harder to get than reservations at the most popular restaurant in town! Be willing to pay a little extra than usual if necessary, and make sure you?ve got a confirmed sitter for the night before finalizing your plans.

2 Responses

  1. Mrs.Teri Ennis says:

    Would love a magazine